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The overview and course material for the quantitative big imaging course

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Quantitative Big Imaging Course

Here are the lectures, exercises, and additional course materials corresponding to the spring semester 2014 course at ETH Zurich, 227-0966-00L: Quantitative Big Imaging. The lectures have been prepared and given by Kevin Mader, Anders Kaestner, Marco Stampanoni, and Maria Büchner. Please note the Lecture Slides and PDF do not contain source code, this is only available in the handout.


Final Examination

The final examination (as originally stated in the course material) will be a 30 minute oral exam covering the material of the course and its applications to real systems. For students who present a project, they will have the option to use their project for some of the real systems related questions (provided they have sent their slides to Kevin after the presentation and bring a printed out copy to the exam including several image slices if not already in the slides). The exam will cover all the lecture material from Image Enhancement to Scaling Up (the guest lecture will not be covered). Several example questions (not exhaustive) have been collected which might be helpful for preparation.


General Information

The exercises are based on the lectures and take place in the same room after the lecture completes.

Specific Assignements


Other Material